Tuesday, May 28, 2013

As the clock ticks away...

Countdown: TWO DAYS until I leave for Guatemala. !!!!

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On Sunday we had Dr. Moises and Maria Mariscal over for lunch after church. They served as missionaries in Spain for a while and then in Guatemala for about 10 years. How convenient, since Elizabeth is going to Spain for 10 days this summer and I, as you already know, am going to Guatemala. :-) They were a super helpful resource to both of us, not to mention a great source of entertainment. Not only were they able to answer our questions and provide us with helpful information and advice, but their stories from Spain and Guatemala (and life in general) had us laughing a lot! For as long as I can remember the Mariscals' missionary card has been in my family's collection of missionaries we pray for, but this was the first time Elizabeth and I actually got to meet them since we were babies. It was a joy to be able to put personalities with the faces and names I've seen on their card for years.

Today, after much procrastination, I finally started packing! I typically enjoy packing, so I don't know why I took so long to get around to it. I made a packing list a couple weeks ago and went shopping this past weekend but am just now getting around to gathering what I need. I already realize that everything on my packing list isn't going to fit in my suitcases, so soon I'll need to sort out what I really need and what can afford to be left behind. That's probably going to be the hardest part... but a good lesson in living simply, I guess. :-)

I'm not going to write much more since I need to get back to packing, but here are some ways you can be praying for me:

  • I noticed a day or two ago that I've been spending much less time with the Lord now that I'm busier with last-minute preparations and such. Pray that I'll be diligent to read the Bible and spend time in prayer despite the craziness that will accompany the next couple days as I prepare to leave and then as I transition to life in Guatemala. I'm a fool to think I can go even one day without letting God be a part of it! Jesus is my source of life and I need more of him every day.
  • Pray that I'll increase in love for the people of Guatemala and the missionaries I'll be serving with.
  • Pray that I'll have the strength and humility to submit my fears to God and to trust him with all my heart.

Hasta luego!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this post, Emily!! I'm praying for you in these last few days before you leave!
