Saturday, July 27, 2013

Debriefing in Texas

This blog post is several days overdue, but better late than never, right? I posted the last update on Sunday the 21st while I was sitting in the airport waiting for our flight from Guatemala to Dallas, Texas. That flight ended up being delayed about 1.5 hours, but we made it to Dallas safe and sound, greeted by 90+ degree weather, which came as a big shock after 7 weeks of cooler high-altitude weather! At the airport we waited in a super long line for Customs and another super long line for Immigration, but around 5pm we finally made it to St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Denton, TX (just north of Dallas), which so graciously hosted us for our debriefing sessions and provided host homes for all of us interns. We ate dinner at the church, met the interns who had flown in from Mexico, Colombia, Honduras and Spain as well as some Camino Global staff, and just relaxed after the long day of traveling. Later that evening our host families came and picked us up.

Hanging out in the youth room (our main meeting room) at the church

On Monday we had worship and devotions all together at the church, and then we split up into small groups for debriefing sessions. We ate lunch together at the church and had free time in the afternoon and evening. During afternoon free time many of us explored the shops around the small town square in Denton. My group went to an ice cream shop and then discovered an enormous used book store. In the evening we all went to a minor league baseball game together (the Frisco RoughRiders). Then we spent Monday night with our host families as well.

Ice cream at a shop in Denton square
Used book store!

Frisco RoughRiders minor league baseball game

Tuesday was pretty much the same routine in the morning and lunchtime. After lunch, though, every group of interns that served together got the opportunity to give a 5-minute presentation to everyone else about what they did this summer. It was so neat to be able to hear about everyone else's experiences and to be able to share with Erica about our summer at the Oasis. Afterward we all piled into a couple vehicles along with all our luggage and relocated to a hotel near DFW airport, where we spent Tuesday night. We dropped off our stuff in our rooms when we got to the hotel and then had a few hours of free time before dinner. I got to swim in the hotel pool with some of the interns and missionaries. It was only the second time I've gotten to swim this summer, and with the Texas heat it felt refreshing and was a lot of fun! We all went out to dinner at Fuddrucker's for burgers (welcome back to America! haha).

5-minute presentation about the Oasis

Free time in the pool!

Wednesday morning we all left for home at different times. My flight was fairly early, so I took the shuttle from the hotel to the airport at 7:30am. My flight ended up getting delayed about an hour, but thankfully the flight went smoothly once it finally left. Dad picked me up at BWI airport -- it was so good to see him and to spend the 1.5 hour drive home with him! When I got home around 4:30pm Mom and Elizabeth were there to greet me, and when I walked in the door I encountered a sign that Elizabeth had made which said, "Bienvenida a casa, Emily!" (Welcome home, Emily!). It is so, so good to be home!

Some things I've learned and been processing:

  • One thing God kept reminding me while I was in Guatemala was that his love and grace toward me is not contingent on how well I'm behaving or how pleasing I am to him, and in the same way, my love and grace toward others (i.e. the Oasis girls) should be unconditional as well. This was especially challenging with the girls who could get annoying or who tested my patience often, but the Lord reminded me that a lot of times the people who are hardest to love are the ones who need the most love. This is a lesson I need to keep re-learning as I go through life.
  • I'm praying about the possibility of returning to the Oasis, either for another internship or potentially for longer-term ministry. It's hard to be part of such a great ministry and not want to go back. God is doing great things through the Oasis and I would love to be able to continue being a part of it. Please pray with me that God would make it clear to me if he wants me to go back or not.
  • And I'm still processing things, which could take a while...

Thank you for your prayers and support, and for following me on this journey!

Click HERE to see more pictures from this week!

1 comment:

  1. Emily, you were such a sweet addition to our team during your time here! Keep processing as long as it takes - processing is like good wine ;) See you when you come back! <3
